jueves, 3 de julio de 2008

Días de Heath Ledger (y unos cumpleaños)

Foto de Los Angeles Times
Parece que The Dark Knight terminará quedando en plano segundo: Heath Ledger es la estrella de la temporada. Dos compañeros suyos de elenco, nomás Aaron Eckhart y nomás Christian Bale, hablan de él en sendas entrevistas del LA Times. Lo cierto es que se trata de dos actores muy serios que han abrazado este oficio por años, y así dice Bale:

I felt that I was seeing, in Heath, somebody who got the same enjoyment from acting that I do, and just recognized the ridiculousness of what we do as grown men, pretending to be other people, but loving that ridiculousness and loving the job all the more for that, and taking it all the more seriously, precisely because of that, and staying in character whilst we were inside of the garb. It was wonderful.

Y así dice Eckhart:

For Heath to give completely of himself, to open himself up, to be so vulnerable, to take such risks with the character just frees everybody in the room, from the crew to me to the director. So we really played a lot. Most of it ended up on the screen, and some of it didn’t, the improvs or some of the other stuff.

Otros actores bastante cool son Tom Cruise, Connie Nielsen, Patrick Wilson y Kurtwood Smith, a quien deberíamos recordar mínimo por RoboCop y Starship Troopers, de Verhoeven.


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